The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35962   Message #500526
Posted By: flattop
07-Jul-01 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Subject: RE: CATSPAW, we beseech thee
Perhaps those guys climbed off their camel because they were surprised to hear someone with an American accent almost speaking proper English in a Saudi marketplace. Or they might have been returning the borrowed camel to the camel rental booth. The story could have gotten twisted before it got to you in the southern states, Banjer. You weren't in the market at the time, were you? Would it be the customers' fault if they were loaned a difficult camel?

Keep that in mind when you're renting a camel, Banjer. Camel vendors can be unscrupulous. If you are buying a camel, always have it checked out by an independent dealer. Watch for cracking hooves and weak gonads on models over twenty years old – same kind a problems we're having ourselves, eh Banjer? These defects could cost you a fortune in repair bills. There's a whole throng of other flaws and safety recalls that you should keep in mind but I have to rush in to the office. I'm sure other mudcatters will kindly help you with all your peculiar camel questions. Be particularly wary of camels that lift their tails a lot. Don't stand behind them laughing and cracking jokes. Camel farts can deaden your brain cell.