The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36203   Message #500740
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
07-Jul-01 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: Another Sectarian Killing
Subject: RE: Another Sectarian Killing
The fact that they are so keen to hold on to that RUC badge with the harp on it is a measure of the ambiguity involved in all this. Or again you have a sectarian song like Croppies Lie Down, with the first verse:

We soldiers of Erin, so proud of the name
We'll raise upon Rebels and Fenchmen our fame
We'll fight to theb last in the honest old cause
And guard outr religion, our freedom and laws
Wwe'll fight for our country, our kind and his crown
And make all the traitors and croppies lie down.

If some of them want to make a pretence of not being Irish, that's their business, and I doubt if many of them really believe it. It's when you get anyone agreeing with them that it gets dangerous, because that's the road to ethnic cleansing.