The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36303   Message #500760
Posted By: GUEST,
07-Jul-01 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: A Real Folksinger
Subject: RE: A Real Folksinger
I read the Folksinger........I've been a folksinger all my my head....never thought I could learn to strum a guitar let alone sing..But now I just turned 50 years young and started to play an old guitar I got at the local pawn shop. I've been pounding on that for a nmuber of months...I just a bought Washburn Dreadnaugt steel string, but the old pawn special still feels like the first time I put my arm around a girls waist. I'm still struggling with Tom Dooley and Good Night Irene but I really don't give a rats ass...Once I learn a few more songs I will go to to the local public market in KC and stand and play. The first person to drop a quarter in my guitar case, I will give them a dollar bill and say thanks. All the quarters I get will be donated to a local charity...I'm a folk singer. Jim