The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8139   Message #50127
Posted By:
18-Dec-98 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Cheer me up PLEASE
Subject: RE: Cheer me up PLEASE
I don't know if other people's hard luck will cheer you up; but the story has a happy ending.

A friend of mine in New Zealand fell off a ladder while he was painting his house and was seriously injured. After he had been incapacitated for a few months his company fired him. This made him very depressed for about a year. He couldn't do anything he used to do. He couldn't play the keyboard, couldn't play squash, and he was the type of guy whose entire identity seemed to be in his job. Fortunately N.Z. has a very civilized welfare program and he wasn't in financial trouble. Anyway he comes over to Sydney once a year to visit us and as soon as he was healthy enough he came over. We were worried about how depressed he was the first year we saw him. Then something happened. The Y200 problem came up. He is an old fashioned computer programmer, and one of the few who is good with the mainframe computers used by a large company there. He is now fully employed. Not only that, but he is in demand and he is back to his old self.
