The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36356   Message #501475
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Jul-01 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: How many Mudcatters does it take...
Subject: RE: How many Mudcatters does it take...
Just a general comment:--

Many people appear on Mudcat identified only as "GUEST." Some have a question -- about a song, a musical instrument, a singer, a particular CD, or . . . well, in short, the guest is looking for information. And they have come to a place where such information is readily available -- or at least where there are people who will do their best to find an answer. Often a guest will have some information to contribute and they generously do so. Frequently, said guest will join, and from then on identify themselves with their actual name (many do) or some "handle," which, over a period of time is essentially as good as using their name. I blundered in sometime late in 1999, lurked for awhile, then on a thread discussing a subject I had some knowledge about, I felt impelled to contributed my two-bits worth. I was recognized as a newcomer and immediately welcomed very warmly. I subsequently joined, and have found Mudcat to be a marvelous resource for all kinds of information, a place where I can offer my own contributions from time to time, and a place where many really neat people are more than willing to offer encouragement and support for anything from first attempts to learn to play an instument, through one's first gig, on up to when a fellow Mudcatter undergoes major surgery.

During the almost two years I've been around, I have yet to see anything even vaguely resembling an "anti-GUEST jihad." What I have seen is the occasional guest getting pretty thoroughly hosed down when they act like jackasses. I have also seen the same thing happen to a few old-timers who occasionally act like jackasses.

If GUEST is actually seeking information or actually has something to contribute, I suggest that they

Get a life
Get a name
Get a cookie

and stop bouncing from thread to thread and trying to piss in everyone's beer.

Don Firth