The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36385   Message #501694
Posted By: GeorgeH
09-Jul-01 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Subject: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2
Started as a new thread because this was requested, because of the size of the original.

In this article Click here

I posted a summary of the "Dave Bulmer/Celtic Music saga.

With the exception that I have no firm knowledge that the man is litigatious I continue to believe that everything I said there is true, and that the article is as fair as it is possible to be . . .

Clearly I reject the summary of the article courtesty of Guest (Janet Ryan, I believe) which appears towards the end of that thread.

While there are Guests in that thread who have contributed constructively, there is one who has posted totally speculatively (she acknowledges that she knows nothing of the facts of this matter) to "argue" against what I posted.

That said, I do apologise for the loss of temper in the original thread.

However, I've said all I usefully can . . If anyone wants me to comment directly on any aspect of this they can either "personal message" me or email me . . . ghawesatadvaopticaldotcom.


George ps Don't forget this thread . .

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