The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36384   Message #501838
Posted By: ScottyG
09-Jul-01 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: (name removed) has a fat arse
Subject: RE(name removed) has a fat arse
To (name removed) and and all you fat bottomed girls out there:

Lots of us guys love ample behinds. My wife is no skinny minny, but she's sure as hell sexier than these boney super-model types you see all over the place. Er, what was the quip; "more cushion for better pushin"?

Nonsense aside, what does the size of one's backside have to do with the kind of person one is? "Guest" needs to get a life.

BBWs - gotta love 'em!


--- I replaced the name of this thread's target in the thread title, and in all messages above this note. ---
---Jeff (PA)---