The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36384   Message #501840
Posted By: Skipjack K8
09-Jul-01 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: (name removed) has a fat arse
Subject: RE: (name removed) has a fat arse
How the mighty are fallen? From Rear of the Year (Male) 1978 to the stretched marked sagging transom I now stuff down me trousers, I feel qualified to sit in judgement on this vexed question.

Jesus had, if not the biggest arse, the stretchiest skin in the Bible. He tied his ass to a tree, and walked thirty miles hence, unto Jerusalem.

Our guest, when unmasked as David has explained, is unlikely to be callipygian, and most likely possessive of many other imperfections, but shoite, I'd sooner be afflicted than a flamer. That's sickness of the soul.
