The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36392   Message #502147
Posted By: Mrrzy
09-Jul-01 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: GUESTS
Subject: RE: BS: GUESTS
I completely missed the LtS thread, but I'd'a stood up for her too, if I'd seen it.

I am firmly opposed to having my email attached to my posts. I've put my email on bbc, or whatever it is nowadays, so Members who want to can look me up. I would not want it put on every post for just anyone to see (correct me if I'm wrong about resources being members-only, and I'll take my email back off bbc). Also, I posted as Guest for quite a while before joining, apparently right after the Guest thing had been invented. Seemed like a good thing to invent, especially given the reasons being bandied about back then. Of course, someone could post something awful as Guest,Mrrzy, but then I'd get a bunch of Who are you and what did you do with my Mrrzy PMs and it would get straightened out pretty quick... which is why I'm not too worried about if people post as Guest(Member)... the Member in question will get PMs about it (including Hey, what happened to your cookie?), in all probability. And if someone posts as me and I agree with it, I could still post to say it wasn't me...

I'm also against censorship, although I have asked the joe clones (actually I asked Joe) to change a post mentioning me when it revealed personal information I had specifically (and more than once) asked the poster not to reveal. I wouldn't want entire threads deleted, as they are so easy to ignore (even if you see it once, then you know the thread name and can remember not to click on it). And even the most vitriolic threads tend to have nuggets of wisdom... now if only I could learn to swear like whoever it was whose gig got cancelled! Then you'd see some stuff worth censoring (*BG*)!

Also, I have once posted anonymously as Guest (something) to ask a question I didn't want my ID attached to... and would like the ability to do that maintained. There ARE things I'd say sooner if I knew nobody would know who was saying them... especially if it would mean revealing personal information I'd rather not reveal as myself.