The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36463   Message #503512
Posted By: Noreen
10-Jul-01 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat: A safe site for children?
Subject: RE: Mudcat: A safe site for children?
I would be delighted if my children (14 and 9) showed an interest in the Mudcat, and I occasionally read out to them bits of witty repartee from the forum. They are, however, unlikely to be interested in stuff to do with 'Mum's hippie friends'... *grin*

As others have said, they see and hear far worse in their daily lives, and learn to cope with nastiness by discussing problems in a supportive home environment.

My daughter came home the other day having seen a discarded magazine by the roadside, and we were able to talk about why ladies would have their photos taken in such positions and wearing and doing such strange things... I hope my children will always feel able to discuss such things with me.
