The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36473   Message #503566
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
10-Jul-01 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: come all ye fair and tender ladies
If you were to type fair and tender ladies into the "Digitrad and Forum Search" box on the main Forum page, you would get a number of references to past discussions here, and to a file in the Digital Tradition database.  These would probably be the most useful:

Come all you fair and tender ladies  (6 verses(
Love Is Teasin'  (A bit shorter).

It's one of those songs which is largely made up of "floating" verses that attach themselves to lots of different songs, so a complete version probably doesn't exist, but you've got a start, now.  You might like to have a look at the entry at the  Traditional Ballad Index:

Fair and Tender Ladies,  which will also give you some useful clues, though you should pay no attention to the "earliest date" bit!