The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36252   Message #503571
Posted By: Ralphie
10-Jul-01 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: Sign on the dotted line Kid!
Subject: RE: Sign on the dotted line Kid!
If there's anybody still looking at this thread...One final thought......My many thanks to all the sensible people posting on this and the various related threads passim.....
You're restraint and good humour knows no bounds, for that I salute you all.....
I had to get away from it all for a couple of days, it really was doing my head in.
All of you out there who know me will understand exactly why, and I'm sure those like minded souls will be a able to guess......
Suffice it to say that the one thing that "Guest" has done by his/her postings to these various threads, has raised the profile of a situation here in the UK that has been going on for far too many years......I'm sure that nothing will change immediately, but with all of your good wishes, I'm sure some sort of solution will be reached soon.
In the meantime.....please, all of you.....don't let any anger get the better of you.....we are civilised people..why else would I visit this site? The new Nic cd is nearing it...! (makes an ideal Christmas present etc,etc...!) As for "Guests" various, you have made your point, but, sadly I haven't seen much support for you.....maybe by making yourself known to us, you might have one over more people to your cause....Ah Well......So it goes.......and so must I.........I won't be posting to this or any other thread on this subject in the future......It's all too close to home for me. Much love and hugs to all genuine contributors.......See you on another thread sometime.
Ralphie xxx