The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36480   Message #503871
Posted By: Steve Latimer
11-Jul-01 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: Cal Ripken HR. in All star game
Subject: RE: Cal Ripken HR. in All star game
I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I saw the homer and had some of the same feelings as both Rick & 'Spaw. Ripken is a throwback to the time that most Pro athletes were someone that kids could look up to. He has always carried himself extremely well, has been a loyal team player and a class act. It drives me crazy reading the sports section now, it seems that there is almost as much in them about salary diputes, drug busts, murders, fights etc. as there is about sports. I'm sure Cal isn't perfect, but he never showed us anything but a professional ballplayer comporting himself with dignity.