The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36486   Message #504632
Posted By: Bill D
11-Jul-01 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: world population day
Subject: RE: world population day
How do I propose?..It is one thing to propose a logical soultion, it is quite another to propose something that will 'get by'. Look at the objections to MUCH simpler problems. The easy (as in technically) way would be to implant contraceptive devices in girls, and only remove them by lottery..(or even MORE controversial, for those who pass an exam showing that they are qualified to be parents.) You can see how THAT would play out!

Education and slowly altering attitudes about having too many kids is about all that is tolerated..(You saw what happened when India tried mandatory sterilization, and China tried economic and criminal penalties! Mass resistance and cheating!).....

I honestly don't know...I am not very optimistic, because even I would find it difficult to tell someone who sincerely wanted children, "no". People are willing to kill OTHER clans, races, nationalities and ethnic groups in order to perpetuate, feed and support their own group, but they aren't willing to use condoms or submit to vasectomies after 2 kids to keep their own countries stable.

If it comes to serious overcrowding, hunger and survival, it will work just like it always has....the meanest, greediest, cleverest, most opportunistic type will take over...especially if they have ammunition and a plan.

Me? I'm afraid I'll go in the first hours...I wouldn't want to live in the aftermath.