The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36469   Message #504951
Posted By: Aidan Crossey
12-Jul-01 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Favourite Folk Singers ?
Subject: RE: Favourite Folk Singers ?
Well , I've heard her get stick in some circles for "not being traditional enough" (cos she writes her own songs) or for being too "backward looking" (cos she doesn't write all her own songs). There's also been a few rumbles in this forum about how Radio 2 plays a lot of Rusby, which verged on the "she's too popular".

I've also heard a lot of people knock her "stage Yorkshire" act. I've heard her perform live a couple of times and I've never found that aspect remotely galling. I think she comes across as a genuine human being, so that when she sings a song like "Who Will Sing Me Lullabies", the story behind which I'd heard before I heard the song, I found myself with a lump in my throat the size of a beach ball. (And as I was on a crowded rush hour tube I had to swallow that lump down and pretend I had a speck of dust in my eye.)

I can't even begin to imagine what quality in her voice your husband finds twee. (I find a few of her songs twee ... not her voice ... but am prepared to accept them because, at the end of the day, we're not perfect and everybody's allowed to make a few wrong moves every now and then ... particularly when they are able to redeem themselves so easily.)