The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36555   Message #505473
Posted By: Amos
12-Jul-01 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 60
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 60

The Aisle Where Sildenafil Stands

(Tune: The Garden Where the Praties Grow)
Click to Play

Have you ever been in love, me boys, Oh! have you felt the pain?
I used to judge I was in love, by the burning in my brain
But thanks to modern science now, I'm master of me glands
And I owe it the aisle where Sildenafril stands.

Chorus: She  was just the sort of creature, lads, that'ss sure to stir your blood

Her curves were so delicious, and her style was awfully good,

But I almost lost the chance for love, when I could not expand

And I met her in the aisle where Sildenafil stands!

It was in the aisle at QuickRite where this colleen met me eye,
And our minds they met like forest flames against the evening sky
It was pretty near miraculous how quickly we did fall,
And we grappled by the gardenware, in front of God and all!


It was getting energetic, and we moved and swung and swayed
We finally tumbled to the floor just past the Hearing Aids!
She was fire, ice and thunder!  I was putty in her hands,
By the time we reached the aisle where Sildenafil stands


Says I, "My lovely darling, I'm I would take ye here and now!
She pressed right up against me, and murmured "Tell me how!"
"Oh whisper dirty words to me, and slay me with your charms!"
And my words were fine and florid and she melted in me arms


We were pressed against the counters where they stack the hair shampoo
And the moment was upon us when I strangely came unglued
I had never done it "retail", and my mind began to creak,
And although me heart was willing still my flesh it just stayed weak!


But the lass was every inch a match, she'd not be turned away!
And to cure my poor performance, well, she grabbed a nasal spray,
And she whispered soft and luscious as I fumbled with her clothes,
"See, insertion is a two way street!", amd she poked it up my nose!


Well we found ourselves successful, sir, in minutes less than three
And now she's had a bouncing boy, and named it after me!
And every year we celebrate, we're known throughout the land,
For our reunions in the aisle where Sildenafil stands!

Chorus: She was just the sort of creature, lads, that'ss sure to stir your blood

Her curves were so delicious, and her style was awfully good,

But I almost lost the chance for love, when I could not expand

And I met her in the aisle where Sildenafil stands!
