The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36524   Message #505503
Posted By: Joe Offer
12-Jul-01 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: prayer request
Subject: RE: prayer request
Yes, it is absolutely correct that there is nothing offensive about this one thread, in and of itself. The problem arose because of the sheer number of requests that came up. Every one started with a request for good thoughts for some worthy, well-intended cause. then, We got a hundred responses that were all the same platitudes, "Continued good thoughts from here," "I will hold you in the light," "you are in my thoughts and prayers," etc. All of this is well and good, if said once - but when it comes a hundred times in a hundred threads, it becomes meaningless. The individual situation addressed is important and serious, but the sameness of the responses trivializes the matter.
If it's a participating Mudcatter who is undergoing something, that's newsworthy and it would be worthwhile to discuss here. This particular thread is for the child of the sister of a friend of a Mudcatter. Last week, we had a thread expressing good thoughts for somebody whose dog was lost. Worthy causes, no doubt - but how much can Mudcat handle and still be thought of as a reputable music forum? Again, I emphasize that these are matters that are worthy of sympathy - but posting them in Forum threads tends to trivialize the causes and trivialize the Forum because of the quantities involved.
There is no "policy" on prayer/healing/well wishes threads, but I thought we had come to a sort of truce on this and agreed not to have them.
-Joe Offer-