The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36469   Message #505593
Posted By: Gervase
13-Jul-01 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: Favourite Folk Singers ?
Subject: RE: Favourite Folk Singers ?
Depends what mood I'm in, I suppose - whether it's maudlin and introspective or pissed and loud....
Anyway, here comes a random discharge from my musical blunderbus:
Assorted Watersons and Carthys of various generations,
Dave Webber and Anni Fentiman,
The Wilsons,
Mickey MacConnell,
The Voice Squad,
Don Shepherd,
Chris Gorniak,
Moira Craig,
Geoff Higginbotham,
The McGarrigle Sisters,
Nic Jones,
John Tams,
Kate Rusby,
June Tabor,
Maddy Prior
Bob White,
Alan Garden

and, bloody hell, dozens of others that I've heard in clubs and sessions over the years and whose names are either forgotten or never learned - people who can lift the heart, inspire and move without the need for amplification, mixing, studio trickery or gizmos. I love unaccompanied singing, harmonies and the beauty of the human voice.
Which is why, in a probably pretentious and self-indulgent way, my list includes some unsung heroes - friends and acquaintances often from way back who happen to have or had wonderful voices and ways with words.
Like Rod Shearman, bless him.