The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36564   Message #506019
Posted By: Suffet
13-Jul-01 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Wasn't That a Time (Hays, Lowenfels)
Subject: RE: Help: Wasn't that a time
No. That 1957 copyright date may appear on the version the Weavers recorded, but Lee Hays and Walter Lowenfels wrote "Wasn't That a Time" for the Henry Wallace presidential campaign in 1948. A version appeared in "The People's Song Bulletin" that year with an introduction which said in part:

"During the recent months of campaigning, the people's songsters have been singing the rhythmic tunes of the new [Progressive] party, like 'Passing Through' [by Richard Blakeslee]. Of them all, only a few are reflective songs which try to say more than can be said in a jingle. The writers of this song have attempted to say things for November and the months that lie ahead."

In any event, the American People's Chorus sang "Wasn't That a Time" at their 1948 concert in New York City.

--- Steve