The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36486   Message #506083
Posted By: Bill D
13-Jul-01 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: world population day
Subject: RE: world population day
IF I were seriously proposing forced contraception at all, (which I am not...yet) I would not object to adding men to the list for some 'tweaking', but ALL men for two generations would sorta prevent generation #3, I'd think. *grin*...all we want to do is slow things down.

It is simply the case that women are the key when it comes to reproduction...if you want MORE population at a faster rate, you need more females. You only need a few men, mathematically speaking. (look at the farm, where a few good bulls are used for MANY cows) If you want to reduce population, you need to reduce the number of fertile women, as reducing the # of men won't help much unless you get most of them.

The other virtue of contraceptive implants for females is that they can be easily removed, whereas vasectomies are tricky to reverse if still doesn't make the political issues any less fraught with purple prose..*big grin*, but like Amos said...........

(BTW, Amos, one of my favorite quotes is something to the effect of "It's too bad ignorance isn't painful." .....and it is sort of important to distinguish between ignorance & stupidity, as the latter seems to imply 'inability' to comprehend, instead of reluctance.)