The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36524   Message #506111
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jul-01 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: prayer request
Subject: RE: prayer request
Bless you, Bill. You said what I said, but you said it so much better... [grin]

The policy is that we have free, open discussions here. There is no restriction against prayer/healing threads, and there won't be such a restriction. Most certainly, there is also no restriction against my polite expression of an opposing opinion.
I believe that prayer/healing threads are shallow and tacky, akin to chain letters and television evangelism. I can't stop people from creating prayer threads, but I sure as heck have the right to express my opposition to them, whenever and wherever I wish. For those of you who do not like my opinion, don't read it.
I think the best way to handle this sort of thing is by e-mail or personal message, and I don't understand why we're starting to get this stuff in threads again. WYSIWYG has done a very good job with an e-mail list for prayer requests, and Kat has done e-mail for healing requests on occasion. You can contact them, and they'll put you on their mailing lists. For those of you who don't get enough prayer/healing requests by e-mail, I suggest that you read the newspaper - you'll find plenty of situations in your own community that need your prayers and good thoughts. Better yet, go out and deal with people face-to-face and give them some real help and sympathy, instead of trying to solve their problems by a chain letter thread like this.
That's my opinion. You may not like it; but I sure as heck don't like your prayer/healing threads, so I guess we're even. So, if you start a prayer or healing request thread, you can expect to see me post my objection. I'm still under the impression that this is supposed to be a music forum.
-Joe Offer-