The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36303   Message #506210
14-Jul-01 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: A Real Folksinger
Subject: RE: A Real Folksinger
i HAVE A DOG THAT SINGS. (foir my Britt friends, "I have a bitch that sings) Her name is "Tilly" (short for Mathilda) (her parents came from Australia) She is a Jack Russel Terrier. We discovered, quite by accident, that any time she heard the notes that were on our doorbell chimes, "Day-Oh" like in the banana boat song, tillie would answer with the same notes. (Also, "YOO-HOO") So we taught her the Harry Belefonte version of the banana boat song. Honest. I don't, for the life of me' know how she manages the actual word or two that she sticks in, because dogs do not have vocal chords. She gets the melody right on and actually, once she's primed w8ith a pennywhistle, 30-06 cartridge case (quit yelling at me) or a harmonica, sings the first few words quite clearly.

"DAY OH, DAAAY OH, WOO,OO,OO -GO HOME" ETC ETC. If any of you doubt this, and give me enough of an ioncentive (like repeated, "yeah, yea., I know , I know) I'll send you a tape. Jim Bennett, who reads this drivel occasionally, has heard Tilly Sing and will verify this.

Dr. Cyrill Allen, our Vet, says that the occasional dog that sings does so for the same reason that other canids do, for the pure enjoyment of it./