The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36524   Message #506295
Posted By: Banjer
14-Jul-01 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: prayer request
Subject: RE: prayer request
Having been around for some four years and having been a contributor to many threads, both music and non-music, I have taken to lurking. I still visit the Mudcat at least twice daily, some times more if there is an interesting thread in progress. I have not responded to many because I know that my views are not always shared with others. Similarly I have a way of laughing at things that others take seriously, sometimes causing strife with my comments. I DO, however realize that we are a community here, made up of many different personalities and opinions. Some like nothing but music threads, others prefer a mix of both types and still others care not a whit about music threads , preferring just the BS designated ones. Why is this so hard to grasp? Abraham Lincoln made a wonderful statement about not being able to please all people all the time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had his marvelous insight into human nature?
Kat and Joe are two of the people I recall having some of the first contact with when I first arrived on this scene. I respect them both for different reasons.
Joe is a no nonsense type of person, having served our country well in the employ of the US Government. He has also studied in seminary. He has a well rounded background that serves him (and us) well in keeping this forum intact.
Kat is a kind and caring person, having a great love and concern for all life, human and animal. Much of her beliefs are based on American Indian culture. It is this diversity in our members that makes this forum the wonderful place it is!! What a dull place it would be if we ALL thought alike. Post one would read 'I dislike such and such', and the next one hundred posts could just be a simple, 'Yep, I agree'!
Let's lighten up folks and all get along....Please????

Banjer, replacing the soapbox to its usual spot....