The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36673   Message #507895
Posted By: Arnie
16-Jul-01 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: On 'is 'orse, with 'is 'and up 'is 'awk
Subject: On 'is 'orse, with 'is 'and up 'is 'awk
A few months ago I heard a really funny poem in the folk club. It was about a bold knight, who at various times was on his horse, with his hawk on his hand, and later on his hawk with his horse on his hand and so on. It ended up, I believe, with him on his horse, with his hand up his hawk. I also recall much dropping of the 'h' so it sounded a bit cockney. I can't find the words on the database - can anyone help as I would really like to do this one myself if I can get hold of the words.