The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36555   Message #507947
Posted By: mousethief
16-Jul-01 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 60
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 60
Puff the magic nose-spray
Tune: Puff the Magic Dragon

Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!
Little manhood tapers love that nasal puff
It thickens dicks so doggone quick your girl gives you less duff!
Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!
Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!

Together we would wrangle on a bed with billowed sheets
Until the day my Robert J. refused my vain entreats
Noble thing it was once, but now it's very soft
Gyrating hips would leave it flaccid, till puff! hoists it aloft, O!
Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!
Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!

Some men are hard forever, but some don't share those joys
My wife no longer wants to play by the time I'm primed and poised
One gray night it happened, and twice more and then a fourth
And then my mighty manhood, it needed something more
Its head was bent in sorrow. It looked like it was sprained.
It's tough to get your wife to play when your weiner is drained
Somehow I had to make my Robert J. behave
And then I found that nasal spray, and slid it in her cave!

O! Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!
Puff the magic nose-spray right up your nose
Then open up your BVD's and watch it as it grows!

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