The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36659   Message #508561
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Jul-01 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Pay-per-View
Subject: RE: Mudcat Pay-per-View
I'm supposed to wrasslin' some Guests? Well, that don't work......I like the regular Guests and the Flaming/Trolling/Pissant Guests just get the Golden Shower award so..................

Now it looks as if there is a match possibility with Beebs and Jeri and that ain't a good option seein' as they kicked Mick's ass............Hmmm............Hollowfox lives to close and if the virtual match goes wrong, she might show up here and kick my real ass, not good either..................Or JE....Whoa! Not good at all! I've read about her exploits and all and she's pretty tough with flaming birds too...............This is tough...................Lessee...............Hey, I got it............I want to take on Amos!!! That'll work. I mean we can get in the pit and then sit around and bulshit each other to death about the meaning of the Cosmos, or it's lack thereof, until the audience and both of us pass out from sheer boredom! Physically I ain't no worse for the wear which has a lot of appeal....................Okay Amos......Step into the pit and commence bullshitting! If you're especially eloquent or completely non-understandable (preferably both) this thing could be over in a heartbeat and we could get back to the bar...............
