The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36772   Message #509862
Posted By: SDShad
18-Jul-01 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Share your latest musical accomplishment
Subject: RE: Share your latest musical accomplishment
But Kim, how'd you fit the bag onto the fiddle? :-)

My latest musical accomplishment? Singing a solo of Albert Hay Malotte's "23rd Psalm" in church a week ago Sunday. Just me and the organist--this aging, beloved, slightly curmudgeonly, and brilliant musician who's been there for decades. Not folk, and not necessarily a big deal, but it's the first time I've sung a solo with Jack, ever, and the first time I've sung that kind of solo music since singing "O Holy Night" at a campus Advent vespers service about 14 years ago. It felt really good. I've sung folk-and-folk-style music in church many times, but I think some people were still surprised I had this kind of singing in me.
