The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #510721
Posted By: bill\sables
19-Jul-01 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
I recieved an email earlier today from Dick Greenhaus with an attachment. The message was as follows " I send this file in order to have your advice" When I opened the attachment it was a file about Spotlights on boats which I presumed was for one of Dick's nautical magazine articals. I then reciecved an email from Mike Cahill another mudcat member. I have phoned Mike and he said he didn't send it. I can only presume that the message from Dick contained a virus of some sort and it has taken over my netsccape account. So far it seems that my AOL account has not been affected I hope. All I can advise is for you not to open any attachment with the above message which seems to be sent from me. Thanks. Cheers Bill