The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8293   Message #51084
Posted By: McMusic
27-Dec-98 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Rise Up Singing
Subject: RE: Rise Up Singing
I have found that RUS makes a good resource--sometimes I get lazy with a song and don't want to work out the chords; RUS gives me a starting place. At other times, I read lyrics that I really like, then go looking for the melody--the teaching tapes help with these. But nothing is absolute. Both just give me some ground to go to work on. Eventually I'll do a song to accomodate my singing voice, playing style, or mood. As far as the purists and their "Leadbelly didn't do it that way!"--well, no dfisrespect meant, but leadbelly ain't around no more, but fer the recordin's; and I'll wager that there were many songe He didn't do the same way twice. Hell, I write songs, and much of the time, I don't sing or play THEM the same way a second time. RUS and the tapes are one of many learning tools that, fortunately, are available to gain knowledge from. But to hold strictly to them as though it were written by the hand of God? Naw. We are all folk. Folk songs are for folk. Learn 'em, then do 'em your own way. That's how the music stays alive.