The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #510895
Posted By: Justa Picker
19-Jul-01 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
Since 99.9% of these viruses appear to be written for Outlook, why would anyone want to continue using this e-mail program? It baffles me. Eudora doesn't get hit with these viruses. I also use Norton Anti-Virus (and get Live Updates bi-weekly). I set my incoming attachment directory in Eudora so that any and all attachments come into C:\Norton AntiVirus\Quarantine\Incoming. ANYTHING attached or downloaded that comes into my computer goes to that directory. I also use Zone Alarm Pro, and it has a very handy feature that automatically renames the extensions of any executable file (plus other file extensions I can manually add) so that there is no way I can accidentally open an executable attachment, should I have a moment of laxness.