The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36555   Message #510908
Posted By: Áine
19-Jul-01 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 60
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 60
Ah shucks, MMario ;-) Consider me wearing a big brown hand print proudly on my back -- But really, the only 'award' I want from this is the smiles of you wunnerful 'Catters (like Jack the Sailor up there) and to know you all are keeping on with the playing, singing and writing of your wonderful music! (and maybe a 'good on ya' once and awhile, of course -- hahaha).

Are your pencils raised with anticipation, Challenge!rs? 'Cuz the next Challenge! is coming up here real fast -- and I hope you all saved your tin foil from your summer picnics . . . you're gonna need it . . . '-)

Hugs and snogs, Áine