The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #510931
Posted By: Jeri
19-Jul-01 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
I haven't used the anti-virus on the F-Secure site, but it's free. InnoculateIT isn't available for download anymore, although they say they'll keep doing updates. It can't open files you have open, and there are always some logs and things open. I usually just ignore that message. (I don't know if I'm right to do that.)

Brakn, I'm at a loss. If it were my computer, there are some things I'd try, but I wouldn't adivise others to do them. I don't mind taking a risk on my own system, but...

There may be more info at other sites about the worm "sircam," or some other folks here may be able to help. I'll try looking tomorrow if nobody's posted a fix.