The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #511712
Posted By: Justa Picker
20-Jul-01 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
When I first got on the Internet back in '95, my ISP gave me an installation software package, that had a shareware version of Eudora. I've been with it ever since, although I have tinkered with the other email programs, but never liked them. There's a certain elegance about Eudora.

While I can appreciate the appeal of using a program that integrates email, newsreader and web browser all in one (as in Netscape Communicator, or IE/Outlook) I prefer to keep and maintain control over all my net apps, independently of each other. I don't worry about "wasting resources" because I have a speedy machine, large/fast hard drive, and more ram than I'll ever use. So it's Eudora for email, Nomad NewsReader for usenet, and IE for browsing. Usually I'm only running two of these three in the background at any given time. I'd switch back to Netscape if they could actually write a non buggy browser version that doesn't crash everytime upon booting, and then having to relaunch it (whereupon it stays up.)