The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #511717
Posted By: Allan C.
20-Jul-01 - 10:10 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
This was my first (and I hope last!) encounter with a virus. I think that I was able to rid my computer of it before the virus was sent to everyone on my email list. So far, Bill seems to have been the only recipient of a virus-laden email from "me", or more accurately, from the virus. Sorry, my friend. I hope nobody else on my list encountered any problems by way of my computer.

The computer appears to be back in order again and no real damage was done to it. This is not an experience I would wish upon anyone. It feels to me much as it must feel to have one's house broken into and to be robbed. If nothing else, the virus certainly robbed me of a huge chunk of time.

Bummer, man!