Any email program using POP3 protocols will work with any ISP. It's a simple matter of entering the mail (SMPT) server name used by your ISP, your email address, your logon i.d. and password . Input this info in ANY email program and it will work.
I have cable internet. @Home gives you this "installation" CD "to make everything work". Thing is, if you're a little computer savvy you don't need any of it, unless you want to be bombarded with advertising and cookie transponders, from those that are in bed with the ISP.
All you need to do is go into "Network Neighborhood" and under "Indentification" enter your user assigned name (usually a combination of letters and numbers) and the name of the workgroup (which is "@home") and then just tell your browser you connect through a LAN (without proxy settings detected), enter the stuff for your email program, and away you go. Problem is the cable ISP's make it a little cumbersome because they want you to use their software and browser versions. You have to do a bit of digging on the tech support website, to get the info to input for SMPT and NewsServer useage.