The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36772   Message #511796
Posted By: BlueJay
21-Jul-01 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: Share your latest musical accomplishment
Subject: RE: Share your latest musical accomplishment
Played at "Art in the Park", over the Fourth of July weekend. My daughter, Annie plays the flute. My son-in-law, David plays twelve string guitar. We recently added a killer female vocalist, Kris, and I play bass, of all things, and sometimes guitar or mandolin. La Veta, CO is a small town, <1000 people, but we had about two hundred of them listening at one point. At least fifty of them asked for CD's. (We are now starting to work on one). I think we would have done well if we had thought of putting out a tip jar.
We play mostly originals written by David and/or Kris. I don't know how to describe it, other than folk/ jazz/ whatever. David has a lot of cool instrumentals with unusual progressions and timings. Annie, David and I have been working on these for about a year. Kris has come in, and has been able to add lyricsto some of these themes. To me, this has transformed them from jams into legitimate songs, with real potential.

As a result of our gig in the park, a club in Trinidad, CO, (still small, <10,000 people), called us and booked a paying gig in September. $350 dollars isn't a lot, but it is well worth the 60 mile drive. They advised us that their entertainers usually sell out of their CD's, and to be ready for that. I dunno, we can't even start working on a CD until the first of August. We have fairly decent capability to record live in house, and burn CD's. But I wonder if there's enough time. Thanks, BlueJay