The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36880   Message #511945
Posted By: running.hare
21-Jul-01 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'walking round Dorset.'
Subject: 'walking round Dorset.'
I'm looking to the lyrics of 'Walking round Dorset' (I think that is the correct title, though it could be 'courting round Dorset' or variouse variations there of!) of which I can only remember variouse snipets from different verses. Such as:-

-"she said men are feeble to walk they ain't able, ......."

-"at Newton my maiden ran straight past the pub"

-"when she got to Derweston, well i pooped the Question, said stand still a seconed & please marry I"

If you are able to help with some or all of the words that whould be great,

Thx for your time,

Lizabee. (a baby newbie)