The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36833   Message #511956
Posted By: Áine
21-Jul-01 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! - Part 61
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! - Part 61
Way to go, Challenge!rs! I knew this one would make your bells and whistles go off. I'm so glad to see that you're really getting a charge out of it, too. Here are your non-metallic virtual Silver B.L.O.B.s, guaranteed to set off alarms only on the Mudcat:

To MMario for:

Now she's afraid as shesits in the hoosgow
For the law is against her you see
And what's more she has dropped her can opener
And she's fears that she now has to pee!

AND for:

The store is mighty dark, but still I surely see
Silver foil on your cheeks
Where good cotton cloth should be
If it's fun you seek
Lifting merchandise for which you didn't pay
Go find another place, foilbutt,
in which to make your play

To mousethief for his 'authoritay' with 'impunitay':

They're down in Phoenix Arizona, and they're up in Tacoma,
Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A.
Wearing silver panties that my beams can't see through
So they can shoplift with impunitay

AND for:

I wanna line my libido, my BVD's
Line my libido, let that tinfoil cover me
I want to line my libido, can't catch me
Oh-ho, that's the solution

AND for the 'I-can't-get-it-outa-my-head:

Crinkle briefs, they're driving me mad, they're making me crazy
Crinkle briefs, they're driving me mad, they're making me crazy

AND for:

They headed down to a K-mart in Denver
Billy Joe stayed in the car, and Bobby Sue he sent her
Bobby Sue got arrested when the security guard met her
Billy Joe put the foil on his buns

To Jack the Sailor for his uplifting:

Cause I'm a lifter
I'm a shifter
I'm a shiner
And I'm a grifter
I put my music in my pants

To Faithful Departed for the very clever:

So take a tip before you slip into them metal knicks
The word is out, they know about our clever little tricks
Our clever little tricks they say their cover has been blown
So out the door you'll slip no more and safely home Jim Jones

Whew! Your combined creativity is exhausting -- I've gotta have another cup of coffee now . . . Keep it going, Challenge!rs!!

-- Áine