The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #512090
Posted By: katlaughing
21-Jul-01 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
I downloaded the new Norton 2001 AntiVirus, it screwed up all my connections, couldn't get online or email, and I had to spend an hour on the phone with tech support @home to get it straightened out.

I had it set to automaticlaly check my email before it comes into my box, BUT it wasn't letting me get ANY, so they told me to disable Norton, altogether. Any advice on what I can do so that doesn't happen, again, if I activate Norton?

Also, do I need Norton if I have InoculatIT or vice versa?

Thanks, sorry of these are redundant.
