The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36826   Message #512184
Posted By: DonMeixner
21-Jul-01 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: Virus Alert Please Read
Subject: RE: Virus Alert Please Read
I will admit that I haven't read this entire posting, been too busy deleting mail and trying to get controll of my computer. Excuse me if I'm naive about computers but can we delete our current address books to stop these continual mailings, clean our personal files, and rebuild our mail lists again.

I have had mail from people I have never met asking who I am and why have I contacted them. Other people I have never heard of are thanking me for the virus. I think my end of the wire is clear now, but I keep getting hits.

We need to devise a method where by we don't pass it around between ourselves at least.
