The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8325   Message #51291
Posted By: Benson
29-Dec-98 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Laurie: Strange Things Happen (D Lee)
Subject: RE: title and lyrics
This is not a "folksong" is a song that came out around 1963.......

Last night at the dance I met lovely and warm an angel of a girl....last night I fell in love with Laurie ...Strange things happen in this world.......

It is based aqpon a favorite story of the girl who died on her prom nite....and tried to get home......told around the campfires......

There is the part about his going to her house...and her Mother saying..."How could you be so cruel....She died a year aqo today".....

The song ends in...a strange fate pulled me to the graveyard.....where he found her sweater lying there apon her grave.......

Did you ever hear the one about the two lovers who found the "hook" in the back seat of their convertable?????....That's a good one too!!!

Anyways the title of the song is "Strange things happen in this world"......