The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36934   Message #512974
Posted By: JenEllen
23-Jul-01 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
Subject: RE: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
I left the office carrying my recently delivered envelope, and walked down to the Keg'n'Cork for a little bottled clarity after the events of the morning, and smiled as I walked through the door. Just the usual atmosphere, the few scattered regulars, the Del Vikings playing on the Wurlitzer.... and her. She had her back to the door and was standing behind the bar, en pointe, putting away glasses.

"Well, it must be my lucky day..." I drawled as I pulled up a barstool. She turned slowly, fixing me at first with a glare that would make Medusa blink, and then gradually shifted it to a warm grin that made me want to do anything but.
"Blake Madison.." Lucky smiled, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" She slid a coaster and ashtray towards me, and glanced at the clock as she fixed my drink. "It's a bit early for you, isn't it?"

"Celebrating." I countered. "A new case deserves a new drink, don't you think?"
Lucky sighed and slid my drink across the bar, "Anything you want to share, or do I have to drag it out of you?"
I quickly pondered the mental list of things I'd gladly let her drag from me before I continued. "What do you know about this folk festival in town?"

"What? Other than the bear that has been overturning the dumpster in the alley and the obvious desperate grab at the commercialism of the fading flower that is folk music? We've had them all in here from that Fresh Folk Natural bullshit-o-rama....and Billy's bought into it hook, line and sinker. Fer crissakes, look at this shirt!"
To this point, I'd tried very hard to not make mention of the "Billy's 'hearts' the FFN" t- shirt she was poured into, hugging her form, and bending the letters in a way that would make Dali cry for shame. I took a long drink and drove on, "What? Didn't he have it in your size?"
She squinted and stuck her tongue out at me as she refilled my glass. "Billy seems to think it will improve business, but frankly the only increase in offers has been ones to take a fiver in the alley, and that is the one thing I don't need right now. I tell you what, if this weren't the only gig in this one horse shit-hole, I'd quit like that!" she snapped her fingers and handed me a book of matches.
"You could always come to work for me, Lucky..." I said.
She smiled that smile again, and said, "But Blake, darlin'...I can't type"

Work, man, work...I changed the topic fast.
"Well then, what about that woman they have headlining? Schwartz something-or- another?"
"Condolezza Schwartz?" Lucky spoke "You have to be kidding me..."
"You've heard of her?"
"Only from these" Lucky reached under the bar and produced a handful of cds that she spread before her on the bar. "Pure crap. And Billy wants this played over the speakers during 'peak hours'. I tell you what, she rhymes. And there is a song about goat cheese might like that one.. but for the most part, it drives the customers fit to kill. I had to take away the swizzle sticks last night, one guy threatened to jab them in his ears..."

I tried to look concerned, but she saw right through me, so much for opacity. Lucky leaned low on the bar, "It's her, isn't it? What's the poop, oh, Mr. Madison'o'mine?"
I explained the case to her, as best I could recall while gazing into blue eyes, and asked her to tell me more about the customers from the night before. She squinted slightly, for how long, I don't know, I was lost in counting the faint freckles across the bridge of her nose. She finally took the cigarette from my hand and took a long draw off of it before handing it back to me. Dear lord, the little lipstick ring...
"What's it worth to you, Madison?" she asked, faintly blowing smoke-rings toward the ceiling.
"Oh, what do you say to a weekend trip to Tahiti?" I offered
Lucky laughed, "Nice try, Blake. You see, the way this bargaining thing works, you are supposed to offer me something that would be good for ME....and unless you can promise suntanned cabana boys that will bring me drinks for a change, then you are outta luck."
"I think that can be arranged..."
"It's a thought...." she muttered, then spoke again "I'll hold you to that then. There was one table full of characters that you just might be interested in..."