The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36912   Message #512995
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
23-Jul-01 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Lower than a snake's belly
Subject: RE: Lower than a snake's belly
A friend of mine, a lady about 73 I'd say, with hip problems that make walking at least awkward, was robbed the other day. She drove into her drive, got out of the car, and a man ran around the corner of her house, shoved her, grabbed her purse and ran. She tried to follow him, but couldn't keep up, but saw him get into his car, whcih he had parked in the neighbors' drive. She couldn't get an I.D. on him or his car.

CAlled the police. After the interview they told her they knew just who it was; this was his regular method of operation. SHE WAS THE YOUNGEST OF HIS KNOWN VICTIMS, AT 73! He would hang around a bank, spot an old person coming from the bank (often with cash for the month, having cashed their Social Security), and follow them home, do a smash and grab at their house.

They know who it is, but haven't been able to get a sufficient identification to stand up in court. Whenever he's in jail(say for drugs or booze) the series of these crimes with this M.O. stops abruptly; as soon as he's out, it starts again.

My friend tells me she wasn't scared, but she WAS mad!

DAve Oesterreich