The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36918   Message #513003
Posted By: catspaw49
23-Jul-01 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Help: Hammer dulcimer strings
Subject: RE: Help: Hammer dulcimer strings
Guest,guest put it well. You might try a local piano guy since you won't be needing tons of the stuff. On the other hand, quarter pound spools are available from several sources including those above as and is really not too expensive. Leftovers stored will also last a long time and you might have need in the future.......just a thought. You also might want to use loop end banjo strings for any wrapped ones. A lot of music stores (don't know what's in your area) have individuals for sale outside of sets. I can't think you'd need more than 16-20 individuals, figuring paired courses.
