The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8333   Message #51353
Posted By: schmuze
29-Dec-98 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
Subject: RE: TRADITIONAL songs ONLY nature themes
How about this one?

A daffodil is born and rises in the spring
It opens out its beauty to hear th cricket sing
But as quick as it does grow it decays away so soon
Before the summmer sunshine has reached its golden moon
Before the summer sunshine has reached its golden moon

A stream it does rise in the mountains so tall
It grows into a river as quickly it does fall
It meanders through valleys, through cities and through towns
Til in the boundless ocean this river it does dorwn
Til in the boundless ocean this river it does drown

And would you believe it? I can't remember the last verse off the top of my head. Is this what you were after? I can get the rest if you're interested.

HTML line breaks added. -JoeClone 7-Mar-01.

This song is not traditional. It is "Wave Up to the Shore" by Luka Bloom, and the words can be found here. --JoeClone, 9-May-02.