The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36929   Message #513927
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Jul-01 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Space program - real or faked?
Subject: RE: BS: Space program - real or faked?
The thing about "the sheer number of people who would have to keep their mouths shut" doesn't necessarily work like that...

example: there have been a great many individuals from various government agencies (covert and otherwise) in the USA and elsewhere willing to testify in public that they have either seen UFO's (alien vehicles, I mean) or know about a coverup of same. These people have appeared in public forums, before the press, over and over again, seems to be ignored or quickly forgotten by most people...or never noticed in the first place.

This is largely because the mainstream media do not focus on it very long, if at all...because they are busy marketing Hollywood movies, Nintendo games, and events like the O.J.Simpson trial instead.

And maybe it's because they've been instructed to do just that...or not...I don't know. I do know that there is not much money to be made most of the time through UFO disclosures (a little, but not much...).

So...a lot of people haven't kept their mouths shut about that one...and it didn't make a dang bit of difference to the non-believers.

Not that I'm suggesting the space program was faked. I'm just suggesting it's fairly easy to maintain either belief or non-belief in a conventional notion in the majority of the public, despite people not keeping their mouths shut. Most people already have their minds made up, and it's just business as usual out there. Eat your burgers, guzzle your pop, and don't worry your head about the weird stuff.

- LH