The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36934   Message #514008
Posted By: JenEllen
24-Jul-01 - 11:40 PM
Thread Name: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
Subject: RE: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
I came to with the mother of all skull-pounders doing a two-step in my head. Wherever I was, for the first sensation. it was dark and incredibly close. The second sensation was that the darkness came from a veil of hair across my eyes that smelled like dime-store shampoo, and the closeness came from the writhing form of Lucky Day, who was peering intently down at me.
"Oh thank're alive!" she gasped, and kissed my temple, which I soon came to realize was the closest thing she could reach, given our awkward position.

Lucky squirmed around to face me, lying on her side, and whispered, "Can you manage to flip over? I can't get my hands untied, but I might be able to get yours free..."
I groaned and turned over, the sparkles threatened to take over my field of vision, but I took a deep breath and held on to consciousness while Lucky chewed like a sewer rat on the ropes that bound my hands behind my back. I groaned again as the ropes went slack. I wriggled feeling back into my fingers, and then used them to rub the stardust out of my eyes before I sat up and untied my feet.

Back in the land of the living, I turned to look at Lucky, who was expectantly awaiting her release. This was too good a chance to pass up.
"Do you mind telling me just what they hell you think you were doing?" I asked
"Blake, please, c'mon...." she pleaded
"No, just wait a minute. Didn't I tell you, in plain English, to stay home and mind your own business? English is your first language, am I correct in assuming that?" I was correct in that respect, but in my weakened state, I had expected her to be tied up similar to yours truly, and was shocked when her foot shot out and kicked me square in the shin.
"Gawdammit, Madison, turn me loose..." she hissed
"No way, sister...not until you tell me how the hell we got in here..."

Lucky scowled at me, "You were in here when they threw me in. I don't know how you got here, but it couldn't have been from following me, could it?"
"Wow, you plan on staying here all night? That's fine. I think I'll let myself out..." I stood up, hoping she'd take the bait, because I had no idea how to get out of here. She bit.

"Wait! Okay! Jesus, you're a hard-ass. Let me loose."
"Not just yet." I squatted down in front of her, "How did YOU get in here?"
She glared at me a minute, then caved, "I followed the directions on the note, and found the room where the workmen were fixing the ventilation ducts, just like it said. I climbed in and started crawling. The office was just like Theet had written down. I went through, and across the ceiling and saw them. That Schwartz chick, the head roadie, and some half-pint arab with a runny tie...."

"That's all well and good, but it doesn't explain our current predicament very well..." I drawled. Lucky glared at me with a look that she usually reserved for frat boys and people that kick dogs, before she continued.
"I couldn't hear, okay? So I crawled out along the ceiling and leaned over a grate..."
"And I fell through the gawdamn ceiling, all right? Fell right on the middle of the table, landed like a ton of bricks..."
She knew it was coming, and she was prepared. Her foot hit the other shin roughly the same time the laugh escaped my lips. In the midst of wiping my eyes, I made a mental note to check and see just when Chuck Taylor started making steel-toed sneakers.

"All right, Dick Tracy, scoot over...lemme at those ropes." Lucky, hotter than a two dollar pistol, turned her back to me and gave me her wrists. The instant the ropes were free, she stood up and started pulling a shelf unit to the middle of the floor. "What are you doing?" I asked
"I'm going out the same way I came in. If you want to stand around and wait for the arab firing squad, that's your business, but I'm outta here." She climbed the shelf and pried off a vent grating. In a few short moments, I was following the soles of her Chucks and the view of her backside in jeans, through the vents to the outside world.