The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37013   Message #514697
Posted By: wysiwyg
25-Jul-01 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: More Online Concerts!
Subject: More Online Concerts!

It all started when I went looking in Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen's website for a tune. There, I found a clickable link to hear and see them in concert at the Kennedy Center! I have seen them-- they're GREAT-- so off I went!


So then I went on over to the Kennedy Center and found MORE online concerts!

Yup, you can become a FREE Kennedy Center E-Patron. Here's the FAQs.

Folk stuff seems centered on their MILLENIUM STAGE-- "Free Performances Every Day, No Tickets Required, Performance Time: 6 p.m. Eastern."


I still don't quite "get" how it all works but I am joining up for a free membership and I will keep you posted!
