The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36934   Message #515471
Posted By: JenEllen
26-Jul-01 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
Subject: RE: Murder At The Folk Festival!!
That is one of the perks of being me, that my apartment always looks as if it's been ransacked, so I guess I save myself the grief of it ever happening. When we finally got in, I turned to see the most uncomfortable looking Lucky I'd yet to see. She stood, hands in pockets, lightly rocking heel to toe as she looked around the room. "Time to put her train on another track, Mr Madison." I thought to myself.

"Here, have a seat." I waved towards the couch. "You want something to drink?"
"Yeah, whatever you're having, double it." she said

When I returned, Lucky was curled on the corner of the couch. I handed her the drink and sat at the opposite end. "Okay, fledgling detective, what have we learned today?"
Lucky took a long drink before answering, "What, besides 'Never eat carnival food'? Or better yet..." she paused and sighed at my reproachful gaze.

"Okay," she started, then took another drink, "Things that I, Lucille Day, have learned in the past 24 hours..." she trailed off, tapping her nails on her glass. "First thing, Theet Logos wants Condolezza. For what, unknown. He gives me a note that gets me in a heap of shit with the Arab. Theet had a hunting knife, and now he doesn't. Hunting knife turns up in Ned for some unknown reason, but Ned isn't worried so much about said knife as he is about saying Pepsi and Cosmo..."

Lucky curled a little tighter in her seat and her eyes shone. "And the Arab. What's the deal? He's obviously bent because I dropped in on his little party and wasn't invited....Something to hide? Dunno...Unless what he has to hide only applies to Theet...But he spoke to you? Right?"
I nodded.
"He's got the hots for LaCondalezza, fair enough, but he doesn't know about me. It was the roadie that threw me in with you, so he doesn't even know you and I are together? And seeing as he was the only party not in evidence at the festival tonight, then he's probably the goon that killed my basil plant.."

"And just what about Condolezza then? She's got the Arab goon squad, so what does she need you for, no offense.."
I shrugged, noncommittal, and thoroughly enjoying the path this was taking.
"So she asks for protection, then disappears? Not exactly a wise move for someone afraid for their life, now is it? And what was she doing with Cosmo? If Theet is after her and using Cosmo, then why hasn't Cosmo killed her already?"

Lucky paused, to take a much needed breath, and drain her glass. "Refill?" I asked, and she nodded. When I got back, Lucky was sound asleep with her head resting on the arm of the couch.