The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37037   Message #515529
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
26-Jul-01 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: From Max: Last Chance for Mudcat Changes
Subject: RE: From Max: Last Chance for Mudcat Changes
Is there a way to tell us how many posts in the new thread? eg Click Here(45 posts) or similar.

That would really be up to the person who posted that link, plus it will change over time.

Good idea - I haven't seen anyone do it yet, but I will from now on any time I start a "part 2" of an overlong thread, and I hope others will do so as well.

While you will be able to filter on a particular date, messages posted later to those threads will show up.

So will it in fact be possible to open up a forum list of threads relating to a particular date? Because that was what I was meaning, and it'd be brilliant - I wouldn't see any point in excluding later posts to the those threads. (In fact if that were done it would be a nuisance, cutting off discussion arbitarily at that date - very frustrating to anyone reading the thread.) But I've probably misunderstood what you meant.

Hi, Kevin -
Move your mouse pointer over this link and you will see in the bottom-left corner of your browser that it had 80 messages when I posted it. Move your mouse over any thread link on the Forum Menu, and you'll see the same.

Now, take a look at the address bar at the top of your browser and you'll see this:
If you change the number after threadid=, you can go to any thread we've ever had.
Try, for example.

I'll do a major revision of the FAQ after I get back from Ireland in mid-August. That should give time for Max to get the new stuff posted and for people to post suggestions/concerns to the FAQ thread.
-Joe Offer-